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Information Before Your Pet’s Surgery

When you bring your pet in for Surgery at Dells Vet, we want you to know we are doing whatever it takes to make this the best possible experience for you and your pet.

Starting with our state-of-the-art surgery suite which includes:

  • Certified Veterinary Technicians
  • Heated surgery table
  • Monitors track of blood pressure, heart rhythm, and oxygen levels
  • Gas anesthesia
  • Our surgeons use sterile gowns, instruments, and masks to protect your pet from infection (your pet won’t need antibiotics after routine surgeries.)

To advanced pain management:
Pain can slow the healing process. We use a holistic approach to minimize pain, including:

  • Nerve blocks (like your dentist uses)
  • Pain medication before and during surgery
  • Cold laser therapy after surgery. This special radiofrequency of light helps reduce swelling and promotes healing after surgery.
  • Pain medication after surgery. Your pet will go home with a short course of pain meds to keep them comfortable at home.

And don’t forget about the extra touches: Being away from home can be stressful for your pet; we know that.

We take care of your pet in recovery with:

  • A recovery cove with a warmed bed and blankets
  • A complimentary nail trim and ear cleaning while they are waking up
  • After they are up and moving around, we give them a tasty treat back in their comfy condos.
  • More Information About our Surgery Procedures
Dental – Download & Print
Neuter – Download & Print
Spay – Download & Print
Declaw – Download & Print